

Block­boards from Bro­szeit can be sup­pli­ed with various top and midd­le lay­ers and are extre­me­ly ver­sa­ti­le. Despi­te their rela­tively low weight, they impress with their high sta­bi­li­ty and fle­xu­ral strength as well as extre­me resi­li­ence. Even stan­dard pla­tes with a midd­le lay­er of soft­wood are signi­fi­cant­ly ligh­ter and more resi­li­ent com­pared to chip­board and MDF — and with an Alb­a­sia light midd­le lay­er, the weight is even redu­ced by a fur­ther 25 per­cent. Shel­ves bend litt­le or not at all and due to the lower amount of glue, block­board is more envi­ron­men­tal­ly fri­end­ly than chip­board or MDF made of fibres.

Broszeit Group Tischlerplatten gestapelt


The hea­vy-duty block­board can be venee­red very well and can be easi­ly pro­ces­sed with all wood­wor­king tools and machi­nes. Their pre­cise pro­cessa­bi­li­ty also enables dif­fe­rent pla­s­tic coatings.

Are­as of application

Fur­ni­tu­re con­s­truc­tion, shop fit­ting, vehic­le con­s­truc­tion, podi­um con­s­truc­tion, stage con­s­truc­tion and on con­s­truc­tion sites as shut­te­ring boards and — with a coa­ted sur­face — as con­cre­te formwork




Broszeit Group Referenz REWE Dettling Bad Schussenried Kaese, Wurst und Fleisch-Theke

The solu­ti­on for

They have been instal­led in almost all 3300 Ger­man REWE bran­ches sin­ce 2019: noi­se pro­tec­tion cei­ling panels from Bro­szeit in the form of woo­den mosaic tiles with a uni­que 3D real wood surface.

Broszeit Group HS Baco Werk Ansicht von oben
Broszeit Group Logo HS Baco Panels

Agen­cy part­ner HS Baco® Panels

HS BACO® PANELS has been part of the HS Tim­ber Group sin­ce 2010 with seve­ral saw­mills and around 4,000 employees throug­hout Euro­pe. The block­board plant in Comă­neș­ti HS Baco Panels in Comă­neș­ti, Roma­nia, is the worl­d’s lar­gest block­board plant at one loca­ti­on, with around 720 employeesand an annu­al capa­ci­ty of 145,000 m³ and a plant size of 17 ha.

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